KitShop fashion shopping application
Progressive web application and Single page web application that developed by React-Redux-Sagas, Firebase, StripeAPI and FacebookAPI
Campground application that allows you to share your campground location to everybody. This project clones from Yelpcamp. I add new features to be the basis of development for another project.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) that developed by MEN Stack, Session management with Passport, Styled with Bootstrap, etc.
A Face Recognition application that allows you to push the image and it will return you detection of faces in any image.
This Application was developed by using React, Express.js, PosgreSQL, Redis and Clarifai's API.
A fall detection device that wears the body of the elderly when abnormal acceleration is detected it sends the message by WI-Fi to cloud network, then the message sends to Line application of caregiver.
The device was made by ESP8266(CPU) and MPU6050(Sensor)
The application was developed by using PosgreSQL, Node.js, HTML, CSS, Line API